Sample management

Once samples are registered in LabPlus, either manually or automatically via the various connectors available, their life cycle begins and is fully managed by LabPlus right through to their final disposition.

Complete sample lifecycle management:
from registration to disposal

Samples and sub-samples are uniquely identified from the moment the request is created. The flexible configuration of LabPlus LIMS software makes it possible to integrate and manage all the attributes required for methodical sample tracking, including container management and the use of barcodes or QR codes. What's more, LabPlus offers functionalities for preparing, dividing or combining samples, facilitating proper analytical follow-up. 

Resources required for sample analysis, such as personnel, equipment and reagents, are allocated according to defined priorities. Samples are analyzed according to established methods and protocols, and results are recorded in LabPlus. Storage and disposal procedures are clearly defined according to the specificities of each sample. 

LabPlus ensures complete traceability of samples, from receipt to disposal, by recording their chain of custody. This makes it possible to track the location of samples and retrace the various stages of the process, thus guaranteeing regulatory compliance and the quality of analyses. 

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With our LabPlus LIMS, manage your laboratory in just a few clicks

LabPlus LIMS has enabled laboratories to automate analytical and quality assurance data management efficiently since its first release in 1994!

207 Saint Pierre Street N, Suite 102
Joliette, Quebec




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