A configurable solution that can be adapted to all sectors of activity

Pharmaceutical, cosmetics or forensic laboratories... LabPlus offers a highly configurable solution tailored to your needs.

Optimize all your laboratory operations

The use of a LIMS is essential to guarantee the accuracy and reliability of analyses. LabPlus automates laboratory processes, reducing human error and accelerating analysis times. Our solution enables companies to optimize their resources and deliver results faster, thus improving their operational efficiency.  

Compliance with standards and regulations is a major issue for any business sector, and LabPlus documents and stores data securely to guarantee confidentiality. From sample collection to analysis, LabPlus ensures traceability of operations and associated data. 

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With our LabPlus LIMS, manage your laboratory in just a few clicks

LabPlus LIMS has enabled laboratories to automate analytical and quality assurance data management efficiently since its first release in 1994!

207 Saint Pierre Street N, Suite 102
Joliette, Quebec




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