Equipment management

The management of equipment and instruments within LabPlus helps to optimize their use, guarantee their compliance with standards and extend their service life, based on 3 pillars: maintenance, inventory and verification.

Precise and efficient use of laboratory equipment and instruments

In LabPlus, each instrument is associated with a unique identifier, and is defined in detail, tracking inventory, location and maintenance status. Information such as maintenance schedules, calibrations, calibrations and repairs are recorded for each instrument, ensuring proper operation and compliance with standards.

LabPlus allows you to plan and monitor instrument use according to analytical needs, by assigning tasks to the instruments available. The data generated by the instruments is automatically recorded in the system via the iLink software.

iLink connects analytical devices to a computer to automate results collection and perform simple data processing. iLink can be used on its own or integrated with LabPlus to provide a complete solution.

In the event of a fault or maintenance requirement, alerts can be generated to ensure rapid instrument maintenance, minimizing interruptions to analysis.

LabPlus facilitates the management of consumables and reagent stocks, allowing you to monitor stock levels, issue alerts in the event of low stock levels, and generate reports on their use.

LabPlus laboratory software can be interfaced with a wide range of equipment such as:

  • HPLC (UV, MS, etc.)
  • GC (FID, MS, etc.)
  • IC
  • TOC
  • ICP (MS)
  • Automatic titrator
  • Balance
  • pH-meter
  • X-ray diffractometer (DRX)
  • Atomic absorption spectrometer
  • Chromeleon
  • Empower
  • FasPac
  • MassLynx
  • SuperQ

These different communication interfaces with laboratory equipment help reduce waiting times and different means of communication between departments, since LabPlus software enables real-time synchronization of results via a single interface.

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With our LabPlus LIMS, manage your laboratory in just a few clicks

LabPlus LIMS has enabled laboratories to automate analytical and quality assurance data management efficiently since its first release in 1994!

207 Saint Pierre Street N, Suite 102
Joliette, Quebec




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