Optimize all your processes to meet your challenges

LabPlus offers a highly-configurable solution that guarantees operational efficiency and reliable results for chemical laboratories.

Improve the quality of your analyses and sample traceability

The chemical industry is often subject to complex processes and precise analyses, requiring efficient management of samples and associated data. LabPlus enables these samples to be tracked and managed securely and traceably, guaranteeing reliable results and compliance with quality standards. By centralizing and organizing data, automating tasks and ensuring compliance with standards, LabPlus enables chemical laboratories to operate more efficiently. As a result, laboratories minimize errors and can concentrate on more complex, higher value-added tasks.

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With our LabPlus LIMS, manage your laboratory in just a few clicks

LabPlus LIMS has enabled laboratories to automate analytical and quality assurance data management efficiently since its first release in 1994!

207 Saint Pierre Street N, Suite 102
Joliette, Quebec




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